Category Archives: Episodes

Jessica Minihan -040

A conversation between Jordan Rich and  Jessica Minihan, special educator, behavior analyst and author of “The Behavior Code: A Practical  Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students.  We discuss Jessica’s systematic approach for deciphering causes and patterns of difficult behaviors and how to match them with proven strategies.  It’s all about getting our students back on track to learn!

If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Phil Newman, LCSW -039

A conversation between Jordan Rich and Phil Newman, licensed social worker on staff at the Carroll School in Lincoln, Massachusetts.  Phil discusses the pressures faced by children with learning differences and what’s being done to help them.  He is also the co-founder of Next Step Academics,  a ground breaking organization that addresses students’ interrelated educational and behavioral needs.   Phil and his colleagues are helping young people achieve their goals and enjoy success! If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

A Tribute to Dr. Webb and the PAL Program -038

We are proud to present this very special podcast episode. The Program for Assisted Learning at Curry College in Milton recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.  Founded by the late Dr Gertrude Webb, a pioneer in teaching children with learning differences, PAL has changed the lives of countless students over the years.  This podcast features audio from the virtual reunion where former students and educators reflected on the success of the program and thank Dr. Webb and those she inspired for leadership and progress  in education  at the college level and beyond. .  If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Micki Boas -037

On today’s episode, meet the author of a groundbreaking book that is a must-read for parents, educators and anyone concerned with the education of children with dyslexia. Micki Boas has written, “ One in Five:  How We’re Fighting for our Dyslexic Kids in a System That’s Failing Them.”  Micki talks with Jordan about battling the system that was neglecting her own children and she shares some of what she has learned about cutting through “the invisible red tape” that can be so frustrating. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Rosalin Abigail Kyere-Nartey -036

Dyslexics Wanted goes international once again and welcomes Rosalin Abigail Kyere-Nartey, a trailblazing woman from Ghana who was diagnosed as a young adult with dyslexia.  Since then she has worked tirelessly to help her country recognize and help those with dyslexia. She recently started the Africa Dyslexia Organization to champion awareness and advocacy in Ghana and across Africa. Hers is a tale of overcoming adversity while offering hope to others. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Jeff Tackett -035

Today’s guest is a dyslexic father of a daughter who also has dyslexia. Jeff never knew he had it until his daughter was diagnosed.  Since then he and his wife have lobbied for legislation in California to recognize learning difficulties. He  is also a teacher for the state of California and work as a counselor for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Jeff is also a dedicated soccer coach for youth, high school, college and pro teams. He is a great help and inspiration  to young players who exhibit dyslexia. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Sandra Carter -034

Today, Jordan introduces us to Sandra Carter from Birmingham, England.  She shares her wonderful story of meeting the challenges of dyslexia during her lifetime, finally being tested and diagnosed at age 40.  By age 50 she realizes her dream of becoming a published science fiction novelist.  She currently has three books available with more on the way. Sandra also gives back, mentoring others while using many creative arts to explore and maximize her “gift of dyslexia.”  If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Kids with Superpowers -Abigail Steeves -033

Today Jordan introduces you to another remarkable young person.  Abigail Steeves lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  The 14-year old 9th grader has dealt with dyslexia for years, but only recently received her diagnosis.  She hasn’t let it stop her or even slow her down.  Abigail is a leading climate change and environmental activist who has led large rallies and organized events to bring attention to the causes she is passionate about.  Like so many of the students we feature, Abigail focuses on the strengths that have emerged from having dyslexia  She is a born leader. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Steve Wilkins, Remote Learning -032

On this special edition, Jordan welcomes back to the podcast Steve Wilkins, Head of School at the Carroll School in Lincoln, an independent day school for elementary and middle school students in grades 1 – 9 who have been diagnosed with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.   Steve addresses the quick transition to remote learning, the impact of Covid-19 on the educational and emotional well-being of the students and creative ways the faculty is connecting and helping  students. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

Wes Hamilton -031

Jordan had a chance to connect with Wes Hamilton, who shared his incredible story of how he’s living his best life after being paralyzed in a shooting.  Wes reminds us that within our uniqueness lies our greatness—an inspiring message shared by all of us at the Webb Center.

If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at