Monthly Archives: September 2019

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A conversation between Jordan Rich and Dr. Kathryn Garforth who offers professional expertise in Educational Psychology and a personal understanding of the frustrations children and adults with learning difficulties experience.  Her story demands to be shared. As a child, Dr. Garforth struggled with reading and spelling in her primary years. A psychoeducational assessment in grade four helped her understand her strengths and gave her hope that with the right instruction and accommodations she could succeed in school. But it was a troubling time with many setbacks and challenges.  She ultimately overcame those challenges, went on to earn multiple post-secondary degrees and now offers professional help and lots of hope to those with learning disabilities.

If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast , write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

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A conversation between Jordan Rich and Zachary Wingate.  Zachary’s mission is to take what he has learned about dyslexia and “pay it forward.”  He shares his experiences helping others with dyslexia understand that they are not alone and that there are steps they can take to succeed.  Zachary’s is a story of hard work, a vow to never give up and an acknowledgement of the power of humor and love in living a life with dyslexia.  If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast , write to If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at

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A conversation between Jordan Rich and accomplished video producer Dan Fickes, owner of Boston based company Ocean One Productions.  Dan is an Emmy winning video shooter, director, editor and producer who also has an extensive background in broadcast television news.  Growing up with dyslexia made Dan’s school years very difficult.  He found help by the time he reached college and shares what he’s done to live with dyslexia and succeed at a very high level. If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at