Deb Mallin -011

Educator and literacy specialist Deb Mallin is the founder and CEO of Literacy Matters. Deb had a thriving private practice helping students, one at a time, learn to read and write. The more success she had helping her students and student families, the more concerned she became about the vast numbers of those she couldn’t help. With the encouragement and support of her husband and three sons, she leveraged the most innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate her processes on a scalable device to now reach entire classrooms of emerging readers. Deb created the Literacy Matters Foundation and is on course to close the widening literacy gap, making possible what others thought to be impossible.
The Literacy Matters Foundation is a growing team of educators, content experts, technology gurus and strategists who have come together to help students master literacy by leveraging technology, refining curriculum, nurturing relationships, and painting a vision of the world when we’re all on the same page. Find out more at To discover ways to support and become involved with us, please visit